Bringing the hope of the Gospel to the bateys of the Dominican Republic.
Telling people about Jesus, providing discipleship & developing church communities.
Batey Evangelism is a nonprofit ministry seeking to expand God's kingdom by telling people about Jesus, providing discipleship and developing church communities. The people we serve are Haitian immigrants living in extremely impoverished conditions in the Dominican Republic.
We desire for lost people to find salvation in Jesus & this happens through specific and intentional evangelism. We specifically send teams out who bring the gospel to the Bateys with hopes that these beautiful people would see their greatest need (forgiveness of sin), and put their trust in the Savior Jesus, who met their great need on the cross and empty tomb.
Evangelism is only as effective as the discipleship structures around it. Our goal is to take new believers in Christ and plug them into the local churches within their respective Bateys, so that they can grow in their faith, in community with others.
Meeting Physical Needs
Meeting physical needs is often a bridge into the lives of people that will lead to meeting their spiritual needs. Like Jesus so often did, we aim to meet the most significant physical needs of those who live in the Bateys (i.e. food, clothing, medical care etc.), so that we can share the gospel with them.
Developing Church Communities
With a focus on evangelism and discipleship, this will inevitably lead to new churches being planted in the Bateys we serve. Our goal is to see new churches planted in all the Bateys we serve in the future.
“God is changing lives through the work of Batey Evangelism.”
You can be a part of what God is doing in the Dominican Republic.

Feel free to contact us with any questions.
Email: bateyevangelism@gmail.com